Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hair Thief

Last night I recieved a notice from the HairSpray group about someone selling stolen hair so I went to check out the place. I found one of my more popular styles had been stolen. So I bought the demo (which she removed after I IMed her about selling my hair) and went back to my land to compare.
Now, if this had been a style "similar" to mine I wouldn't care, if it had been inspired by mine I won't mind either..but this was a prim for prim copy of my hair. Pictures are posted below.
There are also other hair styles by other hair creators along with some furniture that has apparently been copybotted as well...
You can find pictures of the other styles here: There are a few hair styles whos original creators are still unknown so please take a look & leave a comment if you recognize any of the styles that are unknown.

My hair style Erika

"Her" hair, Locks of Luck


Teagan Blackthorne said...

With the help of some others, I was able to track done many of the styles. Another user also confronted her with my husband nearby so I got to see what was said (of course, I am banned). She is claiming that every single style she made herself prim by prim claiming that she is just that good to make exact copies of the hair. Riiiight, I know a great bridge in Brooklyn I can sell her.

Rose Columbia said...

well, I am done dealing with them personally because it obviously goes nowhere. Once LL starts investigating I'll be jumping though hoops for them to prove its my hair style so I'll just save my patience for something that will actually matter...Because God knows talking to Schmu & her friends is pointless. I gave her the chance to remove the hair and she didn't take it so she can face the consequences.

Teagan Blackthorne said...

Hey, let me know how this has gone. Also because of everything that has been going on lately, Sachi Vixen created